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Our Divine Gift: Personal Responsibility

Updated: Aug 10, 2020

We are being called upon to re-claim, restore, and live fully in our sovereignty.

Our lives and the lives of others for generations to come are in our hands. What we do in every single moment determines that future. We have dominion over our own lives. It is incumbent upon each person to fortify, defend, and take responsibility for their own life.

We are Sovereign

Every time we elect to put even a small amount of our own responsibility into the hands of someone else, we sacrifice and diminish the integrity of our life.

When we forsake this privilege we diminish ourselves and put our power into the hands of others. What seems like a temporary convenience leads to the unintended consequences of long-term bondage. This includes our freedom and duty to put ourselves at risk in order to provide for ourselves and our families in the ways that we deem best. Every time we elect to put even a small amount of our own responsibility into the hands of someone else, we sacrifice and diminish the integrity of our life. We are being called upon to re-claim, restore, and live fully in our sovereignty. This is the heart of what it means to live in a “free” country. 

Be a Courageous Human

There is implicit risk and responsibility involved in living. There is nothing that takes more courage than living the life of a human being.  It is understandable that we would fall for the false promises of those wanting to take our burdens from us, those wanting to make our lives seem a little easier. The truth is there is no way around being accountable for responsibilities that are inherently our own. There can be no meaning without responsibility.

3 Questions to Ask Yourself

  1. What kind of money spends better, money you earned yourself, or money given to you?

  2. Which is more satisfying, a high mark that you earned on a test that you studied and prepared for, or when you managed a passing grade by cheating?

  3. When are you happiest, when you’re doing what you want to do, or when you are doing what you are told to do?

The Power of Living Responsibly

At the end of your life will you know the person who led it? Will it have been you? Or will it end with you in a safe little box with no responsibility for how it turned out? Which scenario has more power?

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Pursuing life, liberty, and happiness as a transcendent lifestyle opens the door to profound revelations of the immense power we all possess as Americans.

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