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Awakening The Giant

It is time to stand up and question the difference between being alive and fully living.

Something wants our freedom. It is patient. It is volitional. It comes without a face. It is a wolf in sheep’s clothing cloaked in terms of "compassion," "safety," and "civility.” Its tool is fear and its cover story is "our safety." Decisions at the highest levels are being carried out in the name of "our safety" that are rapidly suppressing our individual and collective freedoms, the freedoms that raise the status of merely being alive to that of fully living. It counts on us not being able to argue against it without sounding ungrateful, or perhaps even thought a fool.

Fooling Freedom

Almost anything can be justified by saying "it makes things safer".

Who can argue against these seeming ideals? Even though we sense that something is wrong, that something is trying to control us, we hesitate. "But it’s for our own safety, it must be okay." The good faith rationale with which we originally accepted these infringements is now being used to flagrantly control and alter the way that we interact with the world around us. The context within which these infringements are currently being used in our society has been distorted and we haven't known how to stop it. Almost anything can be justified by saying "it makes things safer". Freedoms casually exchanged for so-called safety will not be easily regained once the temporary danger has passed. We have never questioned the outcome of these seemingly innocent  incremental breaches of our sovereignty. Now, It is sitting at our doorstep willing to take our freedom in exchange for the illusion of "safety". Nothing could be less safe than striking this bargain.

False Premise

It is an inversion of truth disguised as virtue. It says things like "we are only concerned for your safety," "we care about you," "it is for your own good.” In other words, it sounds good. We have wanted to believe it.  The truth is we should have been saying "no" to it even when we were unable to articulate why. Our pacific silence emboldened it. It brings oppression instead of the promise of life, tyranny instead of freedom. We can be forgiven for making this error. It seemed like a good idea at the time. However, it is becoming evident that we have been tampering with something more valuable than our individual lives. If minimization of risk was the main tenant by which we live our lives, we would never get in a car, on a plane, or even cross a busy street. The false premise that we accepted was that pursuing "safety" and the "minimization of risk" was more important than assuming the necessary risk of living a human life,  making our safety more important than the joy of the human experience.

It's Time to Act

It isn’t people who aren’t afraid that show courage, it is those who are afraid.

It is time to have a look and see what we are giving up and if it is worth it. It is time to stand up and question the difference between being alive and fully living. If you read this and are still afraid, show your courage. It isn’t people who aren’t afraid that show courage, it is those who are afraid. Question the difference between life and living. You are the giant who is now awake. Giants have the power to change things.

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