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Core Message

America is in infancy as a nation; this is not the end, rather the beginning. It took almost 250 years to implement the promise of equal rights for all. We are only now, as a people, beginning to be in a position to live by the incredibly high standards that the United States Constitution laid out at as the ideal template for a nation. We have been in a massive birthing process whereby the self-evident truths had to be paid for with the blood and the sacrifices of the innocent. Let us not waste the sacrifices of those that came before us that gave us their shoulders to stand on. Let us, instead, continue to pursue a more perfect Union.  


The United State's Founding documents are designed for spiritual advancement. The framework of the Constitution is designed to keep its adherents in a state of Divine Order. Pursuing life, liberty, and happiness as a transcendent lifestyle opens the door to profound revelations of the immense power we all possess as Americans.  These are the three words that best represent what the founders saw as a state "oneness.” When aligned with Divinity through these founding truths, individuals, families, and communities have the potential to unfold an America we have not yet dreamed.


Life is a sacred gift from God that is simultaneously physical and spiritual in nature. 


Our spirit is inexplicably aware of our origin, and has an intuitive knowingness of the Supreme Being. Life entails navigating through a dynamic web of entangled interactions with others, engendering powerful emotions that challenge us or uplift us. Experiencing the thrust of these emotions can cause one to react either against the highest good, or react in favor of the highest good. The full expression of life’s potential requires physical and spiritual care, protection, and responsibility to choose the greater good. The metaphysical destination, during life or after, is predicated upon an amalgamation of collective choices acted upon throughout life. This all culminates and defines our past, present, and prepares for an unfolding into the unexplored territory of the future ahead. The intention of good overlapping decisions and actions in life manifest positive and fulfilling relationships with oneself, friends, family, community, and especially our Creator. Herein resides meaning. Meaning is essential to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.


Liberty ensures our individual autonomy and the freedom to act upon one's own conscience.


We maintain the freedom to act out our own choices, suffering the mistakes of wrong action, or reaping the rewards of right action. The inalienable right to liberty protects American's civic duties of self-reliance, personal responsibility, and accountability from being taken away by nefarious forces aimed at stripping Americans of their dignity and personal power. Embracing liberty allows one to access their natural inner power to fulfill their highest potential, without blaming forces outside of themselves for their failures. Liberty is the heroic patriot to the oppressed, and a feared enemy of the oppressor. Liberty has bewildered and reversed tyrannical advancements with supernatural-like powers oppressors can not fathom. Without Liberty, meaning in life is erased, and the pursuit of happiness ends.


Happiness is an inner state of being, not reliant on transitory circumstances, material possession, or indulgent consumption.


True happiness emerges as a consequence of acting in alignment with virtues, values, and morality, in accord with Natural Law. Natural Law energizes these timeless truths, providing reference to guide our initial intentions, choices, and actions towards the greatest good. Orienting oneself to these principles, as a constant responsibility becomes a practice which accesses a universal harmonizing order. 


From this unfolds a life defined by characteristics of self-reliance, humility, honor, respect, meaning, dedication, discipline, loyalty, courage, leadership, confidence, unity, equality, compassion, and love. As individuals mature over time, these characteristics become increasingly self-rewarding, and instill true personal power. Moments of introspection 

reveal that sacrificing short-term gain in the present pays for a future filled with promise. Transcendent Happiness is experienced first-hand, recognizing that life has true meaning, brought by the fruits of spiritual labor. 


One will know they have personal power; a family that loves and respects one another; resources for one's family and others if needed; respect and loyalty among friends and community; character; wisdom; achievement through self-reliance; and a self-rewarding cycle of prosperity, fully supplying physical and spiritual needs.

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Pursuing life, liberty, and happiness as a transcendent lifestyle opens the door to profound revelations of the immense power we all possess as Americans.

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