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Founder | Veritas Voice

Jon McMakin

Jon McMakin was born into a family of Southern heritage and deep cultural roots, and is a native of rural South Carolina.


Both sides of his family are salt of the earth people whose key values were honesty, respect and hard work.

Jon got his first paying job at age ten on an adjacent peach farm, picking and loading peaches bound for the state farmer’s market in Columbia. During high school Jon started a firewood business and became financially independent by age fifteen. After graduation, he studied Criminal Justice, leading him to a short career as a Sheriff’s deputy. 

At age 25 Jon’s life took a westward turn when a friend opened the door to move to Los Angeles and join a personal security detail for an A-list Hollywood celebrity. Trust, respect, discretion and good judgement made Jon successful in the role. Jon’s indifference to the lifestyle of the rich and famous made him a good fit to serve additional clients including elite CEO’s, Hollywood stars, and a foreign Royal Family. Serendipitously, right next door to his home in LA was an acclaimed philosophical research library where Jon spent his off-hours studying on topics of spirituality, psychology, philosophy, the works of great western philosophers, such as Jung, Joseph Campbell, Freud, William James, Emerson, and Ken Wilber. These studies recontextualized his faith in Lord Jesus Christ, deepening and broadening his understanding of Truth. 


Jon has been a student of Jungian psychology, sociology, social, environmental and evolutionary psychology, theology, world religions and America’s founding documents for thirty years. With a passion for Physical challenges, Jon has been a 25-year practitioner and teacher of combat martial arts, a practice that cultivates not just physical strength and skill but also dedication, discipline, inner toughness and loss of ego. Jon enjoys living a simple life with his beautiful family, being and working in nature every day. 


Jon is coming forward to engage at the national level with a concern shared by many that our society is losing its way. By reorienting our daily lives toward Natural Law and the Founding Documents and by re-dedicating ourselves toward promoting and protecting the birthright of every American to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, Jon believes the country he loves can move forward and meet its destiny as the greatest country in the world.

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Pursuing life, liberty, and happiness as a transcendent lifestyle opens the door to profound revelations of the immense power we all possess as Americans.

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