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Hear our story.

Who we are

We are patriotic advocates of Truth who revere the power of Divinity as the substrate of America's existence. We find meaning in honoring the timeless truths set forth in our Nation's first principles and the transcendent nature of Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. We are joined by any American willing to stand with us in the breech. 

What we believe

We believe that the American Ideal, as divinely inspired, has been corrupted by the overwhelming subversion of Truth in American Society. It is our task as sovereign individuals to re-claim this original inheritance and to help one another stand for Truth in the face of false ideologies threatening Western Civilization. We promote a stance of Unity among all people seeking the Highest Good as a way of life, with a focus on the development of the human individual. We believe that the success of the many can be achieved by maturation and voluntary adherence to higher principles by the individual.

What is our plan?

Staging inspirational public awareness campaigns that include public speaking; social media; radio and television; interactive do-it-at-home and at-work activities, newspaper editorials and other innovative and effective means to spread American solidarity. Together we will transcend the grid-locked political and cultural landscape by speaking directly to the higher truths that unite us as Americans. Standing firm and refusing to give ground to those forces that seek to un-invent America. Exposing the inversion of truth that is dominating current media and political culture. Giving the silent moral majority a signal that they are not alone, they have a voice.

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Pursuing life, liberty, and happiness as a transcendent lifestyle opens the door to profound revelations of the immense power we all possess as Americans.

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